Cocktail of the Week - The Tehrooni Negroni

by Negronis Greg


A few weeks ago, our good friend Tom Boudreau (@tomasboudr) I sent Reed (@ReedDailey) a new drink recipe that he discovered called the Tehrooni Negroni. Naturally, he shared the drink we me and in true Reed Dailey fashion, he put me on text chain with Tom to talk about the drink within seconds.  Tom raved about how great the spirit was and how the Saffron Ice and Mint + Basil garnish really took this cocktail to the next level. Thankfully he was kind enough to send a snap shot of the look of the drink, the ingredients, and most importantly, the fact that is had some money looking ice! 



The Tehrooni Negroni is made with Botanist Gin, Blanc Vermouth, and Bergamot Orange Liqueur. But what really sets this drink apart is the Saffron Ice and Mint + Basil garnish. The Saffron Ice adds a unique and refreshing twist to the classic Negroni, while the Mint and Basil garnish adds a flavorful and aromatic touch

  • The Botanist Gin
  • Blanc Vermouth
  • Bergamot Orange Liqueur
  • Saffron Ice
  • Mint & Basil Garnish


Saffron Ice

We didn't know how to do the Saffron Ice, so we scoured the internet and found a recipe for how to easily bloom saffron which, we learned is a simple process of preparing the spice so that it can be used in a recipe. Blooming saffron allows the spice to release all its aromatic flavors and color. There are two ways to bloom your Saffron, either by using hot water or ice.
It is recommended to use pestle and mortar and ground Saffron threads to get maximum color and aroma.


  1. Place the ice cubes in a small bowl or jar. Sprinkle ground saffron on top of the ice cubes and let it sit at room temperature until the ice is fully melted.
  2. Use immediately or cover the bowl or airtight jar and keep it in the fridge for up to a week.


If you're looking for a new cocktail to try, give the Tehrooni Negroni a shot. The combination of Botanist Gin, Blanc Vermouth, Bergamot Orange Liqueur, Saffron Ice, and Mint & Basil Garnish is sure to impress. Thanks to Tom for introducing us and the whole DWG Family to this delicious drink! Pssss. Be on the look out for Tom to be on an upcoming Negronis with Greg episode of the podcast :). 




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